Offices, Committee Members and Representatives – 2024/25




* Mr B Sabberton-Coe

Vice Chairman

* Mr G Tingle

Sports Liaison Working Group

* Miss P Wilkin (Chairman)
* Mr B Sabberton-Coe

* Mr T Cooke

Staff Committee

(Staffing Committee to form Disciplinary

& Grievance and Staff Appeals Committee

as required)

* Mr G Crouch (Chairman)

* Mr T Cooke

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe

*Mr G Tingle

* Mr M Callam

Bank Mandate Signatories

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr G Crouch

* Mr B Leggett


* Mr G Grouch

Budget Working Group 

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr G Crouch
* Mr G Tingle

Cemetery Working Group

* Mr T Cooke 
* Mr M Vincent
* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr J Arnott

Data Protection Committee

* Mr M Callam

CIL Development Working Group

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr G Tingle
* Mr M Vincent
* Miss P Wilkin
* Mr J Arnott

Grants Working Group

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr M Vincent
* Miss P Wilkin

Allotments Working Group

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr T Cooke 
* Mr B Leggett 



Village Hall Management Committee

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe
* Mr B Leggett

Airport Consultative Committee

* Mr B Leggett

Areas of responsibility



* Mr M Vincent
* Mr T Cooke
* Mr J Arnott

Safer Neighbourhood Advice Panel (SNAP)

* Mr J Arnott

SYEP/Youth Provision

* Mr M Callam 

Street Lighting

Bus Shelters/Grit Bins


War Memorial

Catton Park

Deer Park

Tree Warden

* Mr G Crouch

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe

*Mr B Leggett

* Mr J Arnott

* Mr B Sabberton-Coe

* Mr J Arnott

* Mr J Arnott

Catton Park Trust

All Councillors (can be reviewed at any time)


  Clerk of the Council, The Parish Council Office, The Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Church Street, Old Catton NR6 7DS

  (01603) 423880

  Emergencies Only -
  (01603) 483976

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Opening Hours

The Parish Council office is open from:

10.00 - 14.00hrs Monday to Friday

Catton Park
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